Saturday, August 31, 2019

Problems Of Modern Youth Essay

It has been rightly said that we spend the first half of our lives trying to understand the older generation, and the second half trying understand the younger generation. This is nothing peculiar to the modern age. It has always been so. Every age has its own problem Youth has always felt somewhat exasperated with age, and age In always been suspicious of youth. With their natural ebullience a impatience, a majority of young people is keen to act and learn on the own rather than be guided by the experience of their elders. The ok people, being more at home with words rather than with action, oft make noises about the problems of youth. In every generation, old men are found shaking their hoary heads and waxing nostalgic about I good old days when young people knew better and showed due reverence to age and tradition. In all ages, whenever they have pondered over ways of youth, they have foreseen nothing but ruination staring the world in its face. And yet the world goes on. Every generation passes from spontaneity and exuberance of youth to the caution and prudence of old age, and then yields place to the next. Some of the charges brought against modern youth are that they represent a rudderless generation without any ideals to live by, or cause to live for. Without the redeeming influence of faith, they are afflicted with a compulsive reverence which manifests itself in increasing defiance of parental authority and revolt against established social, moral and behavioral norms. On the slightest pretext they take to the streets, indulging in violence and destruction. They want to attract attention to themselves through unconventional behaviour and clothes. A majority of them have fallen victims to self-pity, mister med as alienation. They are becoming a generation of drug addicts and have developed an aversion to honest, hard work, ever on the lookout to have something for nothing. It is no longer anxious youth going forth into a hostile world. Now, it is hostile youth going forth into an anxious world, which is not sure, what to expect from it. This is a formidable list of charges and it will require an army of psychologists to ascertain the truth of the allegations made and to analyze the erratic behaviour patterns referred to. But even from the layman’s point of view, the indictment appears to be patently one-sided. It betrays a lack of sympathetic understanding and realistic appreciation of the dilemma in which the younger generation finds itself today. If we come to think of it,  it is not that only the younger generation is feeling restless. As a matter of fact, human society itself is in a state of flux. And that is not a recent development. A profound change has been coming over it for the last quarter of a century. It started with those who had fought in the Second world War. They had been brought up in an atmosphere impregnated by conformism. But after they had borne the brunt of fighting for seven long y ears, their outlook was radically changed. They came to acquire a rather equivocal attitude towards established authority as also towards long-accepted social mores and codes of conduct. They had seen the death and destruction wrought by the war. It diminished their respect for the wisdom of old age because it was the old men—their fathers—who had started the war. The catastrophes of death and destruction, which had visited the world twice in thirty years eloquently, showed that the old had bungled, and that their claims to matur wisdom were false. Then the general erosion of law and order, which is natural in times of war, wrought a profound change in the spirit of the age. An attitude of dissent and irreverence came to replace spontaneous faith and quiet acceptance of the status quo. Thus, it was the old people themselves who sowed the seeds of that arrogance of which they complain so bitterly while discussing modern youth. A fast-growing populations has increased to complexities of life in our times and the fantastic technological progress triggered off by the Second World War. These two factors combined have brought about great socio-political changes during the last three decades, both in the industrialized countries of the west and in the underdeveloped countries in Asia and Africa. Growing affluence in the developed societies of the West has generated among the people there a restlessness, which pines for instant rewards. Pursuing the mirage, parents have little time to devote to their children and to properly direct and supervise their activities. The children have all the money they need, and seldom face the need to work for a living. The result is that they try to attract attention in other ways and seek excitement in drugs and permissiveness. In the underdeveloped countries also, young people are feeling disgruntled because their visions of a happy future are being obliterated either by interna l strife or by political opportunism. Very few among such countries are enjoying political stability and even in them, more often than not, it is a particular class which is cornering most of the  rewards of technological progress. This provokes the young to protest against rampant corruption in society and the denial of social justice. In the circumstances, is it to be wondered at if all talk of dedication to ideals, renewed moral vigour, basic virtues etc. leaves the young cold and unconvinced? They are no longer prepared to blindly accept whatever their elders choose to ram down their throats. They are prone to subject to critical review all the social and political values they are called upon to accept. When they see high-sounding principles invariably being ignored for expediency, political leaders deliberately hoodwinking the masses, vested interests being allowed to frustrate the state at every step, corruption common in high places and other gaping differences between promise and performance, they naturally bec ome cynical and clamour for change. Students form a very important group among the youth of all nations. Like the others in the same age group, they too have ample reason to be dissatisfied with the state of affairs in our educational institutions. Their biggest and most legitimate grievance is that what they learn after putting in so much time, effort and money has very little relevance to the realities of life with which they come face to face after leaving the university. Rather than equipping them to make a honourable living, education appears to be rendering them unemployable. Therefore, it is but natural that they should want to have a say in determining what should be taught so that it has some relevance to their future life and its needs. They would no longer tolerate politickers masquerading as teachers. They are not prepared to concede that the educational authorities have also to act as the guardians of their morals. They consider themselves quite capable of looking after themselves. If we look at the problems of youth today in the light of foregoing, it will be apparent that it is not the young alone who are to blame for the state of mind in which we find them. They may well be charged with being ignorant of what they want. But they surely know what they do not want. Theirs is a movement of protest against hypocrisy and lack of integrity in their elders, an expression of moral revulsion against corruption in society. Students are up in arms against displays of hollow pedantry and alienated erudition in educational institutions, the lack of living contact between students and teachers, and the unresponsiveness of the whole educational system to the need for change. The young are protesting against the difference between the  myth and reality of the society in which they are growing. Evidently, this concern for the future and this anxiety to rescue life from hypocrisy is very laudable indeed. But it cannot be said that the young are all the time guided by such high purpose, or that their choice of methods is always happy. Dissent is necessary—in fact obligatory, when things go wrong. But when it descends from the verbal level to the physical, it invites tragedy. Violence comes natural to youth. The young, supremely sure that the authority against which they are up in arms is unjust and oppressive, and feeling certain of the correctness of their own stand, react emotionally. The intensity of their feelings is such that it fills them with hatred and they turn to violence. Those who advocate taking to the streets to give vent to feelings of grievance plead that no one pays attention to words any longer. But this way of thinking is dangerous. Violence is an expression of intolerance. As the President of the Yale University said some time ago, the ugliness of the radical is no different from the ugliness of the reactionary. Both share the sin of arrogance, which is the enemy of freedom. In a general unleashing of violence, dissent is the first casualty. On the whole, the younger generation today is much misunderstood and more maligned than it deserves. The world, which it is going to inherit, will be immensely more exciting than the world of its predecessors ever was or could be. At the same time, life will present to it a much bigger and far more complex challenge. It would not do to condemn it and find fault with it that is easy enough. What is really important is that it is treated with understanding so that it can develop its faculties to reshape the world it is going to inherit in accordance with its noblest vision.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Marriage and Fundamental Constitutional Right

Anti-nepotism rules in the United States date back to the turn of the century: however, since the early 1970s, there have been numerous legal challenges to such policies and regulations. Often, the plaintiffs are professionals who have been denied employment, transferred or even dismissed because their spouses already worked for the same organization or because their spouses were promoted to supervisory positions over them. These plaintiffs contend that they have a legal right to work with their spouses, that anti-nepotism rules are discriminatory against them and that such rules violate their constitutional right to marry. What are the legal liabilities of governmental agencies and officials in this emerging area of public personnel law? An analysis of recent federal and state court decisions revealed that most judges do not interpret anti-nepotism rules to be either discriminatory or a direct violation of a fundamental constitutional right. The kind of rule at issue does not appear to be a factor in judicial opinions. For example, federal constitutional right to marry cases cover a variety of situations, including rules against one spouse supervising the other, and policies against married couples working in the same governmental department. Federal judges have subjected all anti-nepotism rules to only minimal scrutiny, deferring to management in virtually every instance. (1) Management Rationales for Anti-Nepotism Rules Both anti-nepotism rules and merit system regulations seek to protect the competency of the workforce, yet, paradoxically, qualified job applicants are often turned away, and valuable employees are frequently transferred or even fired because of anti-nepotism policies. Poor performance is rarely the issue in such cases. (2) Rather, most organizations restrict married co-workers to some degree because of an assumption that the family is a potentially disruptive influence In the workplace. (3) According to Kanter, the main reason for having anti-nepotism rules is to minimize the influence of traditional familial authority structures, such as that of husband over wife, on the development and management of rational bureaucracies. 4) While such attitudes are changing among some managers, the belief persists that married individuals will bring their quarrels to work, form coalitions to advance their own interests, and in other ways undermine organizational productivity and morale. (5) One survey of university department chairs revealed a deep ambivalence about hiring faculty couples. (6) Despite criticisms by some commentators that anti-nepotism rules are anachronistic, especially for professional couples, most organizations continue to prohibit close wo rking relationships between family members. (7)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Angina Pectoris

Angina Pectoris Essay Angina PectorisAngina pectoris is a medical condition that literally means a chokedchest. The victim feels acute pain in his chest for a few seconds, and then itgoes away. This occurs when myocardium cells, the muscle portion of your heart,are temporarily denied oxygen. At this stage they do not die, but maybe weakened. If left untreated and the disease continues, a serious condition known asmyocardial infraction or commonly called a heart attack may occur. This canseverely damage the hearts functionality. Which in turn effects our well being. We should be educated about the risks that go along with our cardiovascularsystem. The most common cause of the condition angina pectoris is overconsumption of cholesterol. This chemical is only needed in minute amounts, butis often eaten in every meal. In the body, cholesterol is responsible for thestability of plasma membranes of cells, and hormones are produced from it. Ifconsumed at higher rate then needed it is stored in the tunica interna, theinnermost layer, of blood vessels. As it is stored it starts to build upeventually clogging the vessel. As a result of this all cells feed by thevessel die because of a lack of oxygen. If this condition is found early, itcan be corrected with surgical procedures or, in some minor cases, correctiveprocedures. Surgical procedures include bypass, laser and balloon surgery. Inbypass surgery a vein is removed from the lower leg and a clogged vessel isworked around. Often in type of surgery the whole mid section of the body iscut and the ribs are pulled back, very painful with a very slow recovery. Somehospitals have now imple mented a new technique where only a small hole is madeand everything is done via a view screen. In balloon surgery a balloon isinserted into the vessel with the clog and is inflated. When this occurs thevessel is damaged, this causes the cells to repair the damage and clear the clog. This is not as successful as other surgery techniques and is often done severaltimes before a positive result is seen. Laser surgery is the most recentdevelopment. Here they use a laser to actually scrape the build up from thevessel. This surgery is one of the most expensive surgeries available today. Corrective procedures include changes in lifestyle. These can include foodintake, exercise, and stress-related issues. Food intake is largely the answerto correcting this situation. As shown above excessive intake of cholesterolcan increase the risk of a heart attack. Coupled with excessive salt intake canproduce another problem known as hypertension or commonly called high bloodpressure. This can further increase the risk of a heart attack since the hearthas to work harder to achieve a homeostatic state. Therefore the heart isworking with less efficiency. For example a runners heart may beat 64 times aminute. A person with hypertension heart rate may be 98. The runners heartis working with more efficiency; therefore it does not need to beat as fast asthe person with hypertension. The person with hypertension has a high heartrate since it cannot pump as much blood per contraction. Exercise is anothercorrective procedure prescribed since it increases cardiovascular fitness. Asseen abo ve, cardiovascular fitness can reduce the risk of heart attacks. Stress-related issues can increase blood pressure for unknown reasons andtherefore can also increase the risk of a heart attack. All these factors caninfluence the health of our cardiovascular system therefore care must be takento ensure proper function. This includes handling stress with care, eating, andexercising right.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tesco International Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Tesco International Business Strategy - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that  the company operates in thirteen countries, however its main operations are located in the UK, where there are large format of hypermarkets. Being the leader in retail business is not a simple task, because the company should always think over improvement of its strategy over such strong rivals as Sainsbury PLC, the UK chain of  supermarkets, Asda Stores Ltd, a British-based supermarket  chain which  retails  food, clothing and  financial services and the chain of supermarkets Morrisons’.This paper outlines that  Tesco has a  vast structure for corporate governance, which complies with the UK corporate governance code. The effective board is considered the basis for good governance in any corporation. In Tesco, there are four committees that assist the work for  the board of directors and provide them with the support that is directed towards Tesco’s stakeholders. The sub-committees are chaired by the CEO  with the main target to monitor each aspect of  the business and arrange discussions of issues with the executives. The corporate governance section of Tesco’s annual report and financial statements contains a brief outline of the planning and control structure used across the company. It has a five year rolling plan with the categories of planned revenue and capital expenditure. Such data is used for forming the basis for the creation of similar plans for each of the separate group businesses.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Special Education Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Special Education - Case Study Example Her teachers have decided to put her under self-containment because she is a slow learner and, for that reason, cannot study in the same classroom as her fellow classmates. As her teachers explain, she has a developmental reading disorder that affects the normal learning process for her. This disorder affected the student so much that she has developed some behavioral problems in addition to her inability to progress in her education (Bradford, 2009). Her performance has been stagnant from her first exposure to learning, illustrating that she is not meeting her educational goals as expected. Past Experiences Based on the information provided by her teachers and educators, we are made to understand that her problem was first recognized in her first form, and she could not engage in simple learning activities like her fellow students. She has problems with reading, and has trouble recognizing written words. She also has trouble engaging in simple rhyming activities that are part of the learning process for children her age, and cannot make meaning and ideas of simple sentences. This has, in turn, affected her overall learning experience and outcome, especially in language and linguistics. IEP Appropriateness Having established that student X is a special needs student, there is need to develop an individualized education program (IEP) to assist this student in achieving her educational goals. Because student X suffers from dyslexia, the IEP will facilitate the attainment of the student’s educational goals much faster than she otherwise could. Goals and Objectives The goals and objectives of this IEP case include: To ensure that student X meets her educational goals by the end of the year. This will be evaluated through the performance of other students in her class. To dissuade the behavioral problems that student X experiences and to improve the social skills of student X. To ensure an improvement of perpetual skills in student X, allowing the student to read and understand what she is taught in class. To train student X’s educators on different instructional methods that they can use to help student X attain her educational goals and objectives. To restructure the regular class curriculum so that it accommodates student X, allowing the student to mix with the others, hence building on her social skills. Educational Standards The goals and objectives of this IEP are also aimed at improving the educational standards of the school where student X studies (Bradford, 2009). The relation between the goals and the standards is both theoretical and practical. Theoretically, the goals and objectives will assist both the student and her educator in reaching their individual standards for education. Environmental Demands To successfully implement this IEP case, there are various environmental demands that need to be met, in relation to the classroom setting and the activities to be carried out during this process. Classroom Arrangement The classroom arrangement in any IEP case is very crucial for the success of the program. It is through a proper classroom arrangement, that the instructor can effectively and efficiently teach student X to ensure educational success. Student X needs to be placed in a classroom that is not too congested and not too spacious to distract the student during learning. Additionally, the arrangement will be in such a way that

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic Planning and Implementation Case Study

Strategic Planning and Implementation - Case Study Example Today, Gillette is a business unit of global corporation, Proctor and Gambler. Its global expansion was rapid during the first twenty years of Gillette's existence, with offices and plants opened in a multitude of countries around the world. It was, however, the American entry into World War I that propelled even more rapid growth when the army issued Gillette razors and blades to all military personnel. Gillette was essentially a single-line product company until the 1940s when the Toni Company was acquired. A third major line of products was added to the company in the early 1950s by the acquisition of the Papermate company. Its major product was a marketleading refillable ballpoint pen. Today, Gillette is the largest dollar value marketer of writing instruments in the world with Papermate, Waterman, Parker and Flair among its brand franchises (Gillette Company Home Page 2008) In Gillette, corporate strategy, regardless of how elegantly conceived, how comprehensive its scope, or how forward-looking its thrust, does not provide competitive advantage until it is communicated, understood, valued and acted upon by a variety of key corporate stakeholders. The main criteria for stakeholder participation are that employees must understand, accept and internalize corporate strategy if the strategic blueprint is to be transformed into positive strategic results (Clegg et al 2005). Suppliers, strategic partners and customers must have a basic understanding and appreciation of the firm's strategic direction if these stakeholder relationships are to flourish and be productive. Only when the corporate strategy message is communicated in a clear, concise, timely and persuasive manner to key corporate stakeholders does the firm have an opportunity to achieve competitive advantage (Amit & Schoemaker 1993). Key Criteria for Strategy Reviewing In Gillette, the key criteria for strategy reviewing are current performance and new strategic objectives, competition in the industry and market changes (demographic and income) (Clegg et al 2005). Gillette management understands that the strategy must embody a strategic view of the future and a plan designed to achieve strategic goals and objectives. The strategic vision must be responsive to emerging opportunities and sensitive to the internal strengths of the company. As the multinational

Looking at Los Angeles from a Dance Perspective Research Paper

Looking at Los Angeles from a Dance Perspective - Research Paper Example   Participants of the dance across disciplines manipulate spaces of their creative and innovative practices that form a network of merging societies. In the Los Angeles dancing culture, the society tends to shape their bodies, societal locations, and fashion identification and lay the basis and grounds to choreograph1 the urban relations. The culture has focused on these protocols where the professionals and amateur understand their stand as agents and creators within their community. The goal of this is to reframe the training scenarios, audience, and performance in the casting of daily practices. The role of dance and performance is to come up with civic infrastructure and position dance as one of the deliberate techniques to place urban making. Therefore, the cultural spectrum of Los Angeles comprises of centers and sites for dancing. The dancing culture is significant since is shaped the environment accordingly. The dancing culture has come to navigate the complex and a ceremonious diversity that features the city. The dancing culture in Los Angeles is a spiritual, political, and social frameworks acting as an archive that preserves the past and looks into the future. For instance, the Pilates training has a duality perspective where the associated techniques are considered as a disciplinary project and their connection of alibi. In Los Angeles, the intimacy of Alibi is gotten from the shared understanding of the physical limits, metaphors in organizing the body.  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Kellogg's Market analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kellogg's Market analysis - Essay Example This has provided a good opportunity to companies like Kellogg’s. Similar emphasis is being placed on products which can provide good nutritional values and energy and are easily portable. Jaffer (2008) points out that with such considerations gaining ground Kellogg’s has repositioned its K-bar as an energy bar. This bar was traditionally positioned as an alternative to its breakfast cereal line, but now it focuses on the consumer’s demand for more natural energy. The company recorded revenues worth $11,776 million during the FY2007, an increase of 8% over FY2006. The key areas in which Kellogg’s operates has been primarily divided into four major segments like North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. This helps the company in devising segment specific strategies for these geographical regions. For example, in India Kellogg’s launched an SMS advertising campaign to tie in with its offline advertising for corn flake brands (Media Asia, 2004). With use of mobile phones increasing and the growing number of mobile users in the billion strong markets, mobile branding is one of the innovative techniques that are being used by this American MNC. Being a leader in the business, the company has been able to take advantage of its strategic placement and alliance in different markets to successfully experiment with new initiatives. One of the key focus areas for Kellogg’s is the ‘Children segment’. This prompted the company to enter into a multi-year global relationship with Disney in 2002. Some of the st rengths and weaknesses of Kellogg’s can be summarised as follows; Strong Brand Identity: Having a glorious past of more than 100 years Kellogg’s is a well known brand in many parts of the world. The portfolio of product brands offering corn flakes, Keebler, Chocos, Pop-Tarts, Eggo, Cheez-It, Nutri-Grain, Rice Krispies, Special K, Murray, Austin, Morningstar

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Adoration of the Shepherds and The Holy Family with the Shepherds Term Paper

Adoration of the Shepherds and The Holy Family with the Shepherds - Term Paper Example This obsessive attention to detail is a signature too of the Mantegna style and imprint, already fully formed at the time of the commissioning of the painting, completed when he was barely out of his teens. The descriptions of the painting include precision, hardness, a sense of clarity of the image and of the vision that was unique and spectacular during its time, and the refinement and the purity in the colors that were employed. In the Adoration of the Shepherds the clarity of the detail, the use of colors that are pure, and the sharpness and the overall sense of exactness of the composition is said to extend all the way to the background, where even the landscape far away from the scene in focus is described in such a level of detail that critics then and now consider with awe and astonishment. The emphasis on detail reflects tool, an aesthetic that focuses on reality, realistic depictions, even if in the case of the shepherds there is a lack of a tendency to idealize and beautif y their presences, and instead they are depicted in the painting in the full reality of the coarseness of their appearance and the drabness of the colors of their clothing. In contrast, Joseph's clothing, and his presence and appearance, are vibrant and serene at the same time, starkly in opposition to everything else, especially with regard to the yellow garb of Joseph. Mary's muted blue and red garb blends more with the surrounding environment, meanwhile, and it is noteworthy that the focus of attention of the shepherds is not Jesus and Mary, but in the painting it is Joseph they are facing and bowing to (Kren and Marx; Louvre; Abrahams). The Holy... See in the painting the shepherds look more like angels than human beings, in the handsome quality of their faces, the serenity and lack of human sin in the way their faces are depicted, and in the way their smiles and their presences encouraged further intimacy of spirit among the shepherds and the holy family. There is nothing at all that is course or reflecting toil and hardship in this painting. The composition is idealized too, in the way the lighting is so crafted so that the virgin mother and the infant Jesus take center stage in the painting, with the baby Jesus as the focal point of the attention of all the people in the painting, a deliberate staging of the painting so that mother and child, and child in particular, are the most important figures in the painting. The child Jesus is the focus of the love and attention of the shepherds, as well as of the virgin mother Mary. In contrast to the softness and the idealization that are the hallmarks of the painting by Jordaens, th e painting of Mantegna puts sharp focus on the outward physical reality of the scene, with the shepherds depicted not as idealized, angel-like figures but as very human, and as shepherds who toil and who are nomadic in their ways are expected to look at. Where Jordaens idealizes and softens the scene to evoke warmth and closeness, Mantegna offers stark reality, and detailed depictions of that reality. There is nothing at all that is course or reflecting toil and hardship in this painting, angel-like figures but as very human.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research design - Essay Example 3. Aims of the dissertation To carry out a thorough investigation into the degree of security outbreak in the Oil Region of Niger Delta To determine the extent of damage of the outbreak of security has caused the Oil Region of Niger Delta To identify the individual roles of stakeholders such as government, the legislature, the military, civil society, private security companies and the international community and how far these roles have been played in solving the security problem of Niger Delta Oil Region. To propound theories on how the individual roles of stakeholders can be brought together to facilitate the improvement of security in Niger Delta Oil Region 4. Dissertation’s position in the existing literature The issue of improving security in the oil-rich Niger Delta Region of Nigeria has been tackled from an individualist point of view over the years whereby stakeholders such as government, civil society and the international community have worked independently to impro ve security. The role of government in solving the problem is for instance seen in the presidential campaign of 2011 whereby candidates are making campaign promises to the effect that when voted into power, they will help curb the problem. The incumbent president, Goodluck Jonathan is for instance quoted by Tribune (2011) as saying â€Å"his government has introduced a series of new anti-terrorism measures, including better control of explosive materials, inspections of police-licensed armouries and the installation of closed-circuit televisions to better monitor public places† to ensure security in the region. With regards to the international community, the BBC News (2008) reports of Gordon Brown saying the best way to tackle the problem is to "identify a training and advisory support package" and that Britain is ready to help Nigeria in that regard. Most researchers embrace the individual responsibilities of stakeholders in solving the problem. Whiles tracing the root of t he security problem in Niger Delta to uneven distribution of oil wealth, Crane (2006) puts a lot of the responsibility on government alone saying once government ensures fairness, security would improve. The context of this research however refuses to single out one stakeholder in curtailing the situation. The basis of this research is rooted in the fact that no one stakeholder can handle the problem independently. Evidence of this claim is in the failure for the individual stakeholders to achieve security since efforts to ensure security started years back. In a Whitepaper released in the 2007 on Oil Transparency in the Niger Delta for instance, report is made of how individual stakeholders; especially government have put in place measures to curtail the problem of security to no avail. It is reported for instance that In January 2001, the government through an Act of the National Assembly established the Niger Delta Development Commission, ostensibly in response to lingering accus ations of neglect of the Niger Delta. (Sofiri, 2007, p.20). It is pathetic therefore that the problem still persists. The research therefore seeks to agree with collaborative effort by all stakeholders as in the assertion made by Junger (2007) suggesting that to stop the war, there should be included restitution for the environmental damage wrought by the oil industry, greater control over oil revenues for local government, and development aid to improve living conditions in the delta (Omeje,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Criminal Justice Process Essay Example for Free

Criminal Justice Process Essay Juveniles are not extended the right to a jury of their peers. What is the most significant reason why this right is not extended to juveniles? Please explain in detail why you chose that particular reason. I do not think that there is only one significant reason as to why juveniles are not extended the right to a jury of their peers. I think that one of the multiple reasons for this right not being extended is because a jury has to be able to be responsible enough to actually show up, they have to be able to convict or not convict based on evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and be able to disregard any evidence or statements when a judge asks them to. I do not think that most juveniles are mentally, nor emotionally equipped to do deal with the responsibilities of being a part of a jury. Most juveniles are still immature and when someone’s life is at stake and their freedom can be taken away I do not think that having a â€Å"child† decide their fate is appropriate. Why do you believe that there are differences between the adult justice system and the juvenile justice system? Please explain in detail why you believe as you do? I believe there are differences between the adult justice system and the juvenile justice system because of the differences in age, experiences, knowledge, and maturity. The juvenile justice system focuses on the rehabilitation of the juvenile, whereas the adult justice system’s goal is to punish and obtain retribution for the crime(s) committed. Juvenile offenders are given sentences that seek to rehabilitate rather than punish. Some of the treatment options offered could include counseling and placement in juvenile institutions that were also created to help restore them. Adult offenders are given harsh sentences. The sentences given can include a fine and or incarceration in jail or prison. All of the sentences given are solely based on punishing the offender. The adult court system is primarily concerned with the offender paying for the damage that they have done to society and the courts isn’t interested in rehabilitating or trying to change the behavior of the offender. After reviewing this entire building in CJ Interactive, describe ways that you can use this interactive tool to improve your learning of criminal justice concepts. Describe in detail the ways you can use this tool to further your criminal justice education, identifying at least three specific ways you would use this tool. After reviewing the entire building in CJ Interactive, I was able to see how this tool will help my learning of criminal justice concepts. I am a visual and auditory learner and both of my learning styles are incorporated in the CJ Interactive tool. I was able to get a better understanding of many of the topics that we have discussed in class thus far. For example through this too I was able to get a better understanding of the differences between the adult and juvenile court systems as well as how crime is defined and measured. I will be able to use this tool as another way of learning and understanding the criminal justice system by using the glossary to learn the terms used to explain the criminal justice system and its process. I will also be able to use this tool to learn and understand the criminal justice system by utilizing the different ways information is given is given in CJ Interactive for example there are 14 buildings located in this learning tool and each building represents a different topic in criminal justice and gives us students access to different learning modules, myths and issues, simulation activities, homework and review, and glossary terms associated with each particular topic. I can see myself utilizing all of these resources as a way to better understand the criminal justice system, my assignments that I have to complete in class, and for me to just use to gain as much knowledge as I can about the different topics in criminal justice throughout my college career at Colorado Technical University.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Special Education Law Analysis Essay Example for Free

Special Education Law Analysis Essay Education in the United States has had a reputation of un-uniformity and mistreatment of certain groups especially students with disabilities. However, the recent past has yielded some advancement. Federal legislation has put into place three major laws that have lead to better treatment and higher quality education of students, especially those with disabilities. These laws are the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, and No Child Left Behind. Together these laws have formed the current education standard in the United States providing for better education for all students. Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act History Historically, children with disabilities have had few rights and little protection when it came to education. Before the mid 1970s, it was not unusual for children with disabilities to be turned away from public schools and if they were able to attend a school, there was nothing in place to assure that these children were receiving the attention and assistance that they needed. In the 1960s and 1970s parents of children with disabilities began to see that something had to change to allow their children to receive a quality education so families began suing state entities to gain access to educational services for their children (Smith, Polloway, Patton, Dowdy, 2012). Congress decided to take a step forward and attempted to persuade states to provide educational services to children with disabilities and this led to the passage of the Education for all Handicapped Children Act (EHA) in 1975. Education is a facet that is under the direct of state legislation; therefore, states were not required to comply with the new act. To persuade state governments to adopt the law, it was promised that forty percent of the funds used to educate children with disabilities would be reimbursed by the federal government (Smith et al. 2012). This forty percent was never actually realized; the federal government actually only reimburses less than  half the promised amount of funds. EHA was reevaluated by Congress in 1990. As a result, the law was changed to better suit the needs of children with disabilities and became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA. IDEA remained active until the law was due for another reauthorization in 2004. This lead to the current version of the law: the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. Purpose  The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) was enacted to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education, to ensure that the rights of children with disabilities and their parents are protected, to assist States, localities, educational service agencies, and Federal agencies to provide for the education of all children with disabilities, and to assess and ensure the effectiveness of efforts to educate children with disabilities (34 CFR  § 300-301). The law covers children with basically any disability that impedes on their ability to learn in an educational setting without special assistance. IDEIA covers children from birth until age 21 with separate parts for children two years old and younger (part C) and children ages 3-21 (part B). (34 CFR  § 300-301) Implications IDEIA was obviously written for children with disabilities, but there many forms and varying levels of disabilities. The act defines a child with a disability as a child evaluated has having mental retardation, a hearing impairment (including deafness), a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment (including blindness), a serious emotional disturbance, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, an other health impairment, a specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities, and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services (34 CFR  § 300-301). The act states that children that are included in this definition should receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). This law is the foundation for special education in the United States today. IDEIA sets the standard for how we educate children with disabilities. FAPE is the goal set forth for the educational systems. Children should receive an education that meets the standards of the state educational agency from preschool through secondary school by way of an individualized education program (IEP) that leads to the attainment of the same diploma offered to children without disabilities at no cost to the parents. FAPE does not exclude parents from expenses that are incurred by parents of children without disabilities, but it does protect them from extra expenses that arise from the services that their child requires. Also, for a state to meet the FAPE requirements, each student with a disability must have an individualized education program developed for them. An IEP is an extensive document developed by a team that includes the child, their parents, their teachers, the school administrators, and any other school personnel involved in the student’s education. IEPs address the child’s specific needs and how the school plans to meet those needs. Schools must also allow students with disabilities to work toward the same degree or diploma that students without disabilities are also working toward. IDEIA also states that children with disabilities should be educated in the least restrictive environment or LRE. This means that students with disabilities should be educated with students without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate (34 CFR  § 300-301). The LRE requirement has lead the emergence of inclusive classrooms. Inclusive classrooms are general education classrooms where students with disabilities and students without disabilities are taught together. This is usually accomplished through a co-teaching model where one general education teacher and one special education teacher, share the responsibilities of teaching all the children in the classroom. This allows for more direct attention and instruction for the students who need it most (Smith et al. 2012). Summary The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act is our country’s special education law. It defines for the states what classifies students as having a disability and also provides guidelines for developing educational services that meet their needs. The law frees parents of children with disabilities of the financial burden that comes with the individual care and assistance that their child needs by providing federal funds to help offset the expenses for the school systems. Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act. History The Vocational Rehabilitation Act was written during the fight for equality amongst people in the United States. It was enacted to protect people with disabilities from discrimination because of their disability. This law paved the way for fair and equal treatment for people with disabilities. This legislation lead to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. Even though this act reaches past the boundaries of education, section 504 of the act is of particular interest on this subject (Smith et al.2012). Purpose Section 504 states that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States, shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance or under any program or activity conducted by any Executive agency or by the United States Postal Service. The act defines a person with a disability as someone who has a physical or mental impairment which for such individual constitutes or results in a substantial impediment to employment; and can benefit in terms of an employment outcome from vocational rehabilitation services provided (Vocational rehabilitation act of 1973). This section provides protection for people with disabilities from discrimination in any establishment that receives federal funding. This includes all public preschools, elementary schools, secondary schools, and colleges and universities. The law does not give individuals with disabilities more rights that those without disabilities, but it does protect them from discrimination based on their disability alone. Implications At first glance, it may seem that section 504 of this act and IDEIA overlap or are superfluous because of each other, but each holds its own purpose. Section 504 protects people without disabilities away from the educational setting as well. Section 504 also allows students with disabilities the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities, whereas IDEIA only serves to the child’s education. Section 504 gives people with disabilities the chance at living the life they want without the fear of discrimination. Summary The Vocational Rehabilitation Act protects people with disabilities from discrimination based solely on their disability. Section 504 of the act is particularly important to education because it provides discriminatory protection for an individual from any federally funded entity. This law laid the ground work for future laws for people with disabilities and for equal treatment for people with disabilities. No Child Left Behind History. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) was proposed by President George W. Bush in 2001 and was passed into law in January of 2002 (Smith et al. 2012). The proposal received overwhelming support because of the increasing gap in academic achievement between groups of students in schools. NCLB acts on the premise that setting high and challenging standards for students and teachers will allow for great improvement in the classroom. The law provides that all students in the public school system will be proficient in core class subjects by the end of the 2014 school year. Much like IDEIA, NCLB offers federal funding to schools that align their curriculum with the provisions set forth in the act. Purpose The purpose of NCLB is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments (No child left behind act of 2001). NCLB requires states to develop challenging performance standards for each grade level that are uniform across each district. The schools must also administer high-quality academic assessments that evaluate whether or not students are meeting these standards. Schools are also required to submit a plan of advancement showing the current plan to close the achievement gap among students (No child left behind act of 2001). Implications NCLB effects all students in the public education setting. The act is a plan to improve the education of every student. This law changed education in the United States in a big way. With schools implementing challenging standards for all students, there was and still is a tremendous pressure to advance. This pressure primarily falls on the administrators and teachers who, in turn, pass it to the students. NCLB also created accountability in the education system. The state performance assessment system gave teachers and administrators to see where they stand as compared to the standards that are set by the state (No child left behind act of 2001). It shows what areas need to be improved to allow more resources to be focused there. The pressure and accountability from NCLB raises the educational standard in the United States. Teachers know what is expected on them in the NCLB system, but because the standards seem to take away some creative freedom in classroom education. Schools are required to make adequate yearly progress every year under NCLB. This system is in place to help assure that funds received under NCLB are used toward academic advancement of students. Adequate yearly progress (AYP) is achieved by having more students scoring proficient in a content area standardized assessment as compared to the previous year’s scores. There is a system provided in the law for schools that do not make AYP and a plan to help them progress. If a school continually fails to make AYP it can be subject to a complete overhaul by the government. Summary NCLB is a federal plan to improve the education system in the United States. This law sets forth an accountability system of standards and assessments to close the academic achievement gap and bring all students up to grade level by the year 2014. Schools that align themselves with the requirements of NCLB can receive federal funding under the act. NCLB may have unrealistic goals, but it is a start in the right direction to providing a better, more complete education to our students. Conclusion Together, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, and No Child Left Behind have changed the educational system in the United States. Our current standards and expectations are far from perfect, but education is headed in the right direction; toward higher standards and accountability and better learning conditions for all students regardless of their level of ability. References Assistance to states for the education of children with disabilities and preschool grants for children with disabilities; final rule, 71 Fed. Reg. 46540 (2006) 34 CFR pt. 300-301. No child left behind act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-110, 115 Stat. 1425 (2002) Smith, T. E. , Polloway, E. A. , Patton, J. R. , Dowdy, C. A. (2012). Teaching students with special needs in inclusive settings (6th Ed. ). Boston: Pearson. Vocational rehabilitation act of 1973, Pub. L. No. 93-112, 93 Stat. 8070 (1973).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gun Ownership And Gun Culture In Usa Criminology Essay

Gun Ownership And Gun Culture In Usa Criminology Essay Use and ownership of guns requires strict regulation by the government to prevent any form of misuse. Policies on possession of firearms especially guns in USA differs from those of Canada. These policies dictate ownership and use of guns in the community. Statistics indicate that almost seventy five percent of US families are in possession of licensed guns. This is contrary to families in Canada who have minimal and regulated possession of guns. In Canada, strict measures are in place to control possession and use of guns in the society. Increased rate in possession of guns have got massive effects in moral, social and economical aspect of life in USA and Canada. The main reason for licensed possession of guns is for security matters. In some cases, the guns can be used for hunting expedition in the line of spirit of adventure. Therefore, policies on gun possession should be highly restrictive and directive to curb any form of misuse. This has not been the case in various states suc h as Chicago. Recently there has been an increase in crimes among the youth aged below twenty six years of age. Research has indicated that policies on gun possession have been violated in US many times, which has made teenagers, engage in violent acts such as murder. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of gun ownership and gun culture in USA as compared to Canada. Effects of gun ownership and gun culture Statistics indicate that American people have the highest ownership rate of guns worldwide. This is because of high population and liberal laws on gun ownership and culture. The increasing insecurity levels and gun privatization have seen the rate of gun possession escalate every year. There has been a debate to amend gun laws, which will result to maximum control of gun use and ownership. Majority of private gun owners are against the motion as this will interfere with their daily activities such as game hunting. Gun culture in United States has changed over time. This is because the formation of illegal gangs in various states such as Chicago has led to misuse of guns. Recent cases of shooting of school students by members of various gangs reflect the impact of guns misuse in the society. Freedom to own guns among the youth have significantly increased the occurrences of violent acts, murder and social immoralities. This is because as shown in Chicago state, member of the gangs use firearms for protection and to enhance successful drug market dominance. Violent acts arise as a result of confrontation among different gang members based on racial aspects. Blacks and Latino minority groups in US are highly affected groups. Case study conducted in various states of America indicates that poverty and illiteracy are the major contributing factors to misuse of guns. On the other hand, media outlets have been blamed for instigating violent acts through violent online video gaming and movies. The target groups are mainly the young people who lack moral guidance, thus end up experimenting and aping violent acts through shooting of innocent people. In Canada, gun ownership and culture has been under control through the registration process. The law stipulates that possession of firearms by individuals such as hand guns must be registered to facilitate effective control. It is through adoption of such gun culture that has significantly reduced negative effects of gun ownership in Canada. The government is fully committed to regulating the rate of ownership of guns to prevent the occurrence of violent acts such as murder. Canadian firearm program main objective is to facilitate effective licensing of guns to private owners through assessment process. Each private owner of gun must undertake safety education to curb misuse. In Canada, prohibitions of guns, which can be used for mass destruction, are prohibited. It is through implementation of gun control policies in Canada that have led to reduction of crime rates in various regions of the country. In addition, through possession of licensed guns and effective use of the same guns , security level has improved in Canada. Gun culture in Canada is different from that of US based on reason for the acquisition. In US, gun ownership is viewed as a symbol of prestige and power while in Canada is strictly for security and spirit of adventure. In the movie Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore, effects of gun ownership and culture is clearly reflected in a negative way. This is because guns have been used to carry out massive murder among students. Group and isolated murder cases are on the rise in US majority of which are executed through the use of guns. The campaign for gun ownership in US has increased interests among the young people. Furthermore, drug cartels and gang formation are strengthened by acquisition of guns among the young people aged below twenty five years. The federal government has been faced with challenges of eliminating violent acts in the major streets as a result of gun ownership. Increased school dropouts and lack of parental guidance in matters of discipline have also resulted to increase in crime rate in the society. In addition, low standards of living among the minority groups have led to the creation of illegal groupings with an objective of trafficking drugs and firearms. In many parts of U S, guns are associated with power and dominance. This has led to the emergence of social immoralities such as prostitution and drug abuse. There have been culture shift in Canada in terms of gun ownership, which advocate on controlled use and registration. Crime rates have reduced over years as a result of government intervention and awareness creation on the issue. This is contrary to the culture in US as the majority of people views that it is right for each citizen to own a gun without state interference. Misuse of guns is associated with various factors such as alcoholism, drug addiction, indiscipline and violent attitude among the young people. Conclusion Statistics postulates that both Canada and USA have the highest ownership of guns. The only difference is the mode of control whereby Canada has structured program on the issue that regulate misuse and ownership of guns. Cultural differences play a significant role in control of gun ownership and use as depicted in Canada. Inadequate cooperation from the populace and the law enforcers in regulating misuse of guns has resulted to prevalence in crime and violent acts in US. To prevent such crimes, amendment of firearms policies should be conducted to incorporate massive federal control in gun ownership. Adoption of Canadian model in gun ownership and culture in US will significantly reduce violent acts among the youth.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Breathe Right Strips Essay -- Chronic Nasal Congestion Health CNS Essa

Breath Right Strips Introduction According to the text, Breathe Right Strips were invented by Bruce Johnson, a chronic nasal congestion sufferer. Mr. Johnson Brought his creation to CNS Inc. CNS took the product and primarily marketed it to sports teams, nasal sufferers and night-time snorers. The product really became prominent when Jerry Rice of the San Francisco 49ers wore the product in the Super Bowl. According to, Breathe Right Strips is also available in vapor strips, clear and tan strips, and nasal strips for kids. Some of the other products include nasal spray, throat spray, fiberchoice and a portable vaporizer. Armed with these few, but strong products in 1995 CNS, decided to go global. Summary of the Facts The facts are that that there are advantages and disadvantages of CNS going global with the product. The advantages are that CNS can attempt to increase its market share and not have to rely on only domestic dollars, partnerships can begin to develop between local suppliers, and they can avoid costs of domestic licensing. The disadvantages are that there are local customs that need to be considered, the lack of name recognition of the brand, there may be stronger global competition, the international company may be used to different marketing, and there may be different trade regulations. The decision for CNS to go global takes careful analysis and an international strategy. Analysis The strategy that CNS decided to use is the three-stage approach. Stage 1 is Explore/test concept. Stage two is the Establish the product, and stage three is Manage the product. Using the SWOT analysis, I will analyze their marketing approach as it pertains to entering international territory. The strengths are that breathe right has already shown that it could successfully market the product in North America and make it a success. They have proven that they can package the product to tailor it to the international market, which would allow then to penetrate the market and refine messages for the local market as spelled out in stage 2 of their strategy. They have the ability to identify potential partners in the local global markets. When they first entered the global market, they partner with 3M, who had a handle on the marketing practices of the global market. According to The Business Journal, they regained control of their ... ...ons to attract people that are unaware of the product. They can also opt to do what they have always done, because the product is successful. To take the do-nothing approach is dreadful, because the competition is out there lurking, just waiting for CNS to rest on their laurels. Conclusion The CNS Company is already a successful company due to the achievements of its breathing right strips. In my analysis we learned that they already do a lot of things right. What they need to be aware of is the different economical situations in the global marketplace, there are different ways that the product is approved abroad, and there is competition lurking. CNS needs to continue to leverage their strengths, but capitalize on their opportunities and benchmark the competition. Works Cited Kerin, Hartley, Berkowitz, and Rudelius. Marketing McGraw Hill 8th Edition â€Å"CNS Inc. to regain control of Breathe Right international sales from 3M† The Business Journal Minneapolis-St.Paul: 11 Oct. 1999 â€Å"Innovative Solutions to Everyday Problems† 2004 â€Å"1-2-3 Breathe† 2004 Breathe Right Strips Essay -- Chronic Nasal Congestion Health CNS Essa Breath Right Strips Introduction According to the text, Breathe Right Strips were invented by Bruce Johnson, a chronic nasal congestion sufferer. Mr. Johnson Brought his creation to CNS Inc. CNS took the product and primarily marketed it to sports teams, nasal sufferers and night-time snorers. The product really became prominent when Jerry Rice of the San Francisco 49ers wore the product in the Super Bowl. According to, Breathe Right Strips is also available in vapor strips, clear and tan strips, and nasal strips for kids. Some of the other products include nasal spray, throat spray, fiberchoice and a portable vaporizer. Armed with these few, but strong products in 1995 CNS, decided to go global. Summary of the Facts The facts are that that there are advantages and disadvantages of CNS going global with the product. The advantages are that CNS can attempt to increase its market share and not have to rely on only domestic dollars, partnerships can begin to develop between local suppliers, and they can avoid costs of domestic licensing. The disadvantages are that there are local customs that need to be considered, the lack of name recognition of the brand, there may be stronger global competition, the international company may be used to different marketing, and there may be different trade regulations. The decision for CNS to go global takes careful analysis and an international strategy. Analysis The strategy that CNS decided to use is the three-stage approach. Stage 1 is Explore/test concept. Stage two is the Establish the product, and stage three is Manage the product. Using the SWOT analysis, I will analyze their marketing approach as it pertains to entering international territory. The strengths are that breathe right has already shown that it could successfully market the product in North America and make it a success. They have proven that they can package the product to tailor it to the international market, which would allow then to penetrate the market and refine messages for the local market as spelled out in stage 2 of their strategy. They have the ability to identify potential partners in the local global markets. When they first entered the global market, they partner with 3M, who had a handle on the marketing practices of the global market. According to The Business Journal, they regained control of their ... ...ons to attract people that are unaware of the product. They can also opt to do what they have always done, because the product is successful. To take the do-nothing approach is dreadful, because the competition is out there lurking, just waiting for CNS to rest on their laurels. Conclusion The CNS Company is already a successful company due to the achievements of its breathing right strips. In my analysis we learned that they already do a lot of things right. What they need to be aware of is the different economical situations in the global marketplace, there are different ways that the product is approved abroad, and there is competition lurking. CNS needs to continue to leverage their strengths, but capitalize on their opportunities and benchmark the competition. Works Cited Kerin, Hartley, Berkowitz, and Rudelius. Marketing McGraw Hill 8th Edition â€Å"CNS Inc. to regain control of Breathe Right international sales from 3M† The Business Journal Minneapolis-St.Paul: 11 Oct. 1999 â€Å"Innovative Solutions to Everyday Problems† 2004 â€Å"1-2-3 Breathe† 2004

Their Eyes Were Watching God :: Zora Neale Hurston Literature Novels Essays

Their Eyes Were Watching God While reading Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, I was struck with the similarity of the attitude towards life which she shared with the leader of the French surrealist group, Andrà © Breton. Like Breton, Hurston's central value was the "marvelous," especially as it can be seen in the world of love. Breton defined the "marvelous" in contrast to the fantastic. "Le merveilleux, nul n'est mieux parvenu à   le dà ©finir par opposition au `fantastique' qui tend, hà ©las, de plus en plus à   le supplanter auprà ¨s de nos contemporains. C'est que le fantastique est presque toujours de l'ordre de la fiction sans consà ©quence, alors que le merveilleux luit à   l'extrà ªme pointe du mouvement vital et engage l'affectività © tout entià ¨re" (Preface 16). [The marvelous, there is no better way to define it than by opposition to the `fantastic,' which, alas, is increasingly tending to supplant it in the eyes of our contemporaries. The fantastic is almost always of the order of a fiction without consequence, whereas the marvelous shines at that extreme point of the spirit's ability of movement and entirely engages the emotions.] Hurston's famous work certainly achieves this definition of the "marvelous," but could we therefore say that she was a surrealist? She doesn't mention the French surrealists in her works, and yet, I think we can see her "contemporaneity" with the surrealist movement not only in terms of the times in which she lived, but also the concerns she dealt with, if we borrow yet another definition, this time from the American critic Kenneth Burke. "For instance, if modern New York is much like decadent Rome, then we are `contemporaneous' with decadent Rome, or with some corresponding decadent city among the Mayas, etc. It is in this sense that situations are `timeless,' `nonhistorical,' `contemporaneous'" (301302). Hurston, like the surrealists, shared an interest in "mad love" over other more materialistic values, and she found he r interests incarnated in the island of Haiti, and its cult of Erzulie, the goddess of divine love. Andrà © Breton visited the island of Haiti, and was extremely interested in the poets and writers he encountered there, praising the Haitian poet Magloire St. Aude, for example, as the only contemporary who could equal the intensity of the recently deceased Apollinaire, Nerval, and Stephane Mallarmà © ("Magloire St. Aude" 171). The Haitian goddess of love, Erzulie, could be, in turn, considered a sister of the beautiful goddess that "Nadja" represented in Breton's most important work, and Hurston's Their Eyes could be seen as one of the few books which can match the intensity of Nadja.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Small Soldiers, Ally Mcbeal, Junger’s The Perfect Storm, and Otto’s How to Make an American Quilt :: Comparison Compare Contrast

The Movie Small Soldiers, The Television Show Ally Mcbeal, Junger’s Novel The Perfect Storm, and Otto’s How to Make an American Quilt The movie Small Soldiers, The television series Ally Mcbeal, Junger’s novel The Perfect Storm, and Otto’s How to Make an American Quilt fall into the larger category of methods of entertainment. All of these methods of "entertainment" are stories, each have common elements of stories, and are writings in themselves. The Movie and show started out as screen plays, so they have the elements that plays and novels have. To learn from these elements you must look at the good and the bad, and sometimes you find that you learn more from the bad ones than from the good. Small soldiers uses imagination to get its story across. Mainly written for entertainment purposes and because small fighting toys sell with little kids that all wish that their toys could come to life. That ever captivating written action or violence that keeps our short attention spans is used constantly in this movie, and is basically what the movie is about. The movie although having much of the trash elements of a bad action film, does have a meaningful moral, mainly, just because something looks monstrous or grotesque doesn’t mean that it is evil. The good guys, GI Joe buff fighters, who are ruthless killers for the American way and look human are the toys with the real evil side, loving torture and killing and doing anything to kill the enemy. The Monsters lead by Archer a furry wolf like creature who does not look human and are grotesque in some ways are really sweet, adorable, good, and help a little boy sort through his problems with girls and his dad. Small Soldiers kept the attention of the audience, especially the younger audience, and still, in a way, got the moral message across. While to some it might have been a waste of time, the way that it kept the attention of a particular audience, catering to a specific watcher, is important, for these things must be taken into consideration when I am writing. I must know my reader, and my reader’s main thoughts and feelings, what will keep my readers attention so that I can most effectively get my message across. Tone in writing is very important in this way. If I was writing for a bunch of children

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Literary Essay Essay

Nothing says adventure like running away from villains and getting shot at to start a career as a spy. Though many townspeople of Cumberland in Geoffrey Treases Cue for Treason think Peter Brownrigg is the best of the best, it is clear that not many people inherit the qualities to become a good spy. Katherine Russel is an exception. Kit is courageous and secretive, and therefor is the best spy in Cumberland. To begin, courage is one Kits most striking characteristics. Although it is shown throughout the book on many occasions, by a couple characters, it tells us that she is a brave person. One example of this was when the miners tried to block the road so they could rob the two, but they failed. This happened because kit was able to be courageous affectively, at the right time. â€Å"So she rode back. Heroine or idiot? I didn’t know. I’m flattered to know that, for the moment, she was thinking more of my fate† (Trease 253) said Peter Brownrigg after Kit turned to save him. Katherine was able to get away on her horse when peter was unable to. Katherine was being very courageous risking her own life for that of her friends when faced with a dangerous situation. When Mr. Desmond fell into a river with his horse Katherine was one of the first people to jump in and save him. As peter said himself â€Å"She swam like an otter, and I saw at once that I needn’t fear for her anymore, than myself† (90). Jumping into a river to save someone who is injured must be the biggest act of courage and bravery. Again she risks her life for that of someone else’s and returns unscathed. She also risked revealing her secret when she changed from her wet clothes. The last point would be when Kit manages to find out Mr.  Armthwaite is actually a friend of Sir Philip Morten. Courage is shown here when she threatens him and jumps out of a window with Peter. â€Å"If you touch that bell cord† said Kit â€Å"you’ll get something that will upset you still more† (229). Mr. Armthwaite is left dumbfounded that she found this out. The courage is shown here when she finds it in herself to pull out her gun and start accusing Mr. Armthwaite of being on Cahoots with Sir Philip Morten. These are the parts of the book that show she is courageous which is as to why she is the best spy in Cumberland. Next, Kit shows how she is very secretive and protective about her life and about how many things people know about her. The main secret she is keeping from everyone is that she is a girl. She does not relize it but all the other child actors, at the time, were angry because she did not participate in any of their games or activities that would show her true identity. â€Å"Kit showed no special interest in me –or anyone else, for he lived a strange aloof existence† (75) said Peter when he was discovering and questioning who kit was â€Å"Who was Kit Kirkstone? † (74). This is an important part of the book because it gives Peter an idea that he is actually a she. It also shows that she was able to keep her secret for that long already. Another good way she was being secretive was the way she never told anyone bout Sir Philip Morton or what he was going to do to her. This was shown when Kit spills the beans on her past life including the arranged marriage with Sir Philip â€Å" I pity the man who marries you against your will† (114) chuckled Shakespeare. The way the other characters react when this is told is surprisingly believable (shocked and surprised). This is so because Sir Philip Morton is also the man chasing peter. Katherine was also able to keep this a secret till this part of the book. The Last point would be when Kit tells Mr. Desmond she is actually a boy. Mr. Desmond is one of the many people who believed this throughout most of the book. After giving Mr. Desmond a fake name, Katherine is allowed into the actors group after showing some talent â€Å"Kirkstone will pass† sighed Desmond. This is shows how good she is at lying. Kit had no choice to lie to Mr. Desmond because he would have not let her act if she found out she was a girl. Mr.  Desmond would have put her on backstage with his wife Mrs. Desmond. Considering all the points that were shown throughout the book on Kits secrecy and true identity, it’s safe to say that she is the best spy in Cumberland. In conclusion, courageous and secretive are just two of the many words to describe Katherine Russel, which shows she is the best spy in Cumberland. Through the acts and demonstrations given by Katherine Russel, it is obvious she should continue down the path that she has chosen, but when shown again, is the life of a spy an appropriate one? Appropriate for a twelve year old girl?

Friday, August 16, 2019

Bold Flash Case Essay

BoldDisk, currently known as Boldflash, was founded in 1982 in Waltham Massachussets. Originally manufacturing computer storage medias like floppy disks for original equipment manufacturers and consumer markets, BoldFlash’s product mix has evolved in due course of time. In 2012, the company began offering customers contemporary solutions in flash memory for products such as digital cameras, mp3s and most importantly smartphones, the latter accounting for 40% of the overall market . However, the inability of the company to keep up to date with the dynamic nature of this 20 billion dollar market has led to the decline of the company in regards to product innovation and customer satisfaction. Even though there are macroeconomic factors that brought about this predicament, the effect of managerial inefficiency also has to be taken into account. This essay will do as such by critically viewing the top-down management approach this company has used from both the human relations and power perspectives. The situation that the company currently finds itself in can be attributed to several factors. When looking at Boldflash’s management from a human relations perspective, the issue of bad management becomes more apparent. The previous vice presidents decision of tackling issues through a top down approach can be one cause to the company’s failure in creating value for customers. One problem with this autocratic approach in an innovation company is that it leads to the breakdown of communication and teamwork. The numerous conflicts between manufacturing and sales can be attributed to the simple fact that the culture of the company was not based on communication between the two parties, it was based on following orders from corporate. This lack of vertical loading, or dispersal of authority, has on one hand an effect of inefficiency in trying to create value for the company and its customers, but it also causes the employees to feel neglected. This apparent disconnect between management and workers can and has caused conflicts within the organization that when not addressed can become, according to Herzberg, hygiene factors that inhibit motivation and therefore innovation in the company. Another problem with this management approach is that it acts as hindrance to the development of new products.  The ramifications of taking this McGregor’s Theory x approach, neglects non economic factors such as performance appraisal and participation which are considered as key motivators. Moreover, Maslow’s theory supports the argument that autonomy and room for personal growth are the key motivators for employees to add value to their company through the process of satisfying their own need for self actualization. When looking at this company from a political perspective, the question of how Harrison’s style of management had an effect on the company’s structure is relatively obvious. It is more important to emphasize that the crux of the matter was the major deficits in product development (2nd paragraph; further examined pp.2). According to the present paper, former vice president Jim Harrison commanded a rather strictregiment and had a management style that can be described as autocratic. That suggests the assumption that he made use of Luke’s first dimension of power, namely orders. A clearly visible way of solving conflicts with the results he was in favour of. It’s hardly surprising that this proceeding didn’t lead to a multifarious company culture, or a structure which encourages employees to bring in their ideas. in fact, it shows a second possible reason for BoldFlash’s failure in the tablet-chip market: the market’s potential was not r ecognized to its full extent and was therefore the opportunity was underplayed by management. Another side of BoldFlash’s structural problems are highlighted by the fact that the actual product development group was being led by the marketing department. Disregarded by Harrison ,Cahill notices a loose form of leadership, which – in his view – does not succeed in integrating the talents of the employees. Contrarily to the general culture of strict orders, power is not used much in this group – leaving Cahill with the impression that there were neither clear achievements nor direction in which to move the company. However. the structure of the company is changing as a result of the new vice president. under the structure of a divisionalized form, Robert Cahill leaves to its managers of divisions (Sales, Marketing etc.) the freedom of  decision and then controls the results. This enterprise makes sure that the standardization of outputs are respected through an important performance control. (meetings: definitions of targets, objectives and strategies for each division that decisions makers must keep in mind as they make specific decisions in the front). One can now notice that a formal communication exists -limited to transmission of results- between Cahill and the supervisors of each department. Nevertheless we can focus on what create a discord between all workers. It is mainly due to the division’s culture. We notice that even if all the members work at the same final goals, they all have a different vision of how to perform. Thus their main goal becomes to keep it like a â€Å"treasure† and make sure that nobody will treat it; they are on guard and make their best to keep their â€Å"territory† safe, acting without considering the others. In conclusion, the top down model used by the late Jim Harrison and its autocratic nature hinders organizational performance in respect to understanding the market as well as having a cooperative and innovative environment. this approach neglects the inputs of employees and affects their performance as well as their ability to stay motivated, ultimatly affecting the company’s overall success and profitability, as is the case with BoldFlash.Considering that Fiona Wilson wrote a whole book questioning the totalitarian ambition of management theories, it is not surprising that a vice president with an ambition like that analogically narrows the view of the whole organization.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hamlet Soliloquy Act 4 Scene 4

How all occasions do inform against me,/ And spur my dull revenge! What is a man/ If his chief good and market of his time/ Be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more. / Sure, he that made us with such large discourse,/ Looking before and after, gave us not/ That capability and godlike reason/ To fust in us unused. Now, whether it be/ Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple / Of thinking too precisely on th' event—/ A thought which, quartered, hath but one part wisdom/ And ever three parts coward—I do not know/ Why yet I live to say â€Å"This thing’s to do,†/ Sith I have cause and will and strength and means/ To do ’t.Examples gross as earth exhort me. / Witness this army of such mass and charge/ Led by a delicate and tender prince,/ Whose spirit with divine ambition puffed/ Makes mouths at the invisible event,/ Exposing what is mortal and unsure/ To all that fortune, death, and danger dare,/ Even for an eggshell. Rightly to be great/ Is not to st ir without great argument,/ But greatly to find quarrel in a straw/ When honor’s at the stake.How stand I then,/ That have a father killed, a mother stained,/ Excitements of my reason and my blood,/ And let all sleep—while, to my shame, I see/ The imminent death of twenty thousand men,/ That for a fantasy and trick of fame/ Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot/ Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause,/ Which is not tomb enough and continent/ To hide the slain? Oh, from this time forth,/ My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth! (IV. iv. 4-68) After everyone exits leaving Hamlet along with the audience, his true emotions and thoughts comes pouring out. Hamlet is saying how his view of the world points out that all of his actions are wrong and a constant reminder of his inability to complete his revenge for his father’s murder by his uncle. Then points out that a man that only sleep and eat is nothing more than an anime but rather a man is meant explo it all of their senses and utilize for more meaningful pursuits than rather simply to survive.God did not give humans the ability to comprehend so they can ponder about the past and future and that those that are not used, the ability will slowly disappear. Also Hamlet reveals his thought of how he is alive when the deed he set out to accomplish is not completed even with all the desire and strength he has to accomplish the deed of avenging his father’s death. Another point that is revealed is Hamlet’s perspective on how an army goes to war over a worthless piece of land and make a mockery of the battles over that land.Then the soliloquy reaches its climax, Hamlet gives respect to the soldiers that are willing to sacrifice their life in battle for their kings honor and the honor of their land yet Hamlet has not taken action for his own personal honor regarding his father, his mother, and the state of Denmark where he is the known prince. At the end, Hamlet vows to thin k about nothing but his violent and bloody revenge for his father’s death against his uncle, Claudius and that any thoughts that is not violent is not worth thinking about.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Thought and Man

According to Holbach, humans have no control whatsoever, no matter how much said humans believe they do. He explains that free will is a construct of the human mind and that all of our choices are determined by desire and necessity. Even when a mad man sticks his hand in a fire, he is acting on some sort of greater desire to impress upon his counterparts or for his own self-betterment. In his opening deposition he states that man is connected to universal nature and submitted to the necessary and immutable laws she imposes on all beings. This is interesting because many arguments that are connected to the idea of determinism and free will are linked to the existence of God or another omniscient power. This is one of the only well explained arguments against the belief of free will that doesn’t lend itself to imposing personal religion onto the reader/scholar studying the work. The examples provided by Holbach are wide and well prepared to lend significance to his argument. He starts off talking of a man tormented by a violent thirst, if said man is shown water he will automatically want to drink it, as it is an inherent need for that water to live. He will however falter and think about not drinking the water if someone were to tell him it were poisoned. Holbach covers any conflicting thoughts to this situation by saying that a mad man may very well still drink of the poisoned water. He is not acting of his own free will as the actions of fools are as necessary as those of the most prudent individual almost set to be counteractions that hold the world in balance. Holbach continues on saying that the actions of man are never free. Man acts selfishly in every action he partakes in, he does make fairly educated decisions over what he must do though as he bases all his decisions on opinions, received ideas, consequences of his temperament that point to his own happiness. As we said in class about the door holding situation, you may not want to hold a door open for someone that is following behind you about three steps. It only takes a second out of your day, but the initial thought of any person opening the door first, is what will this person do for me if I hold the door for them? Even if the person didn’t think what will I get now, there’s the inherent belief of karma and the repercussions that will befall either the opener or the person the door is being opened for. Even as we are given apparent choices in our every day lives, such as whether or not to hold open a door for someone or to drink poisoned water or not, but even these observed choices don’t mean e have freedom. We are constantly in pursuit of our own happiness and success over anyone else’s. We strive to make ourselves appear better than those around us. A hero rushing into a burning building is acting on the same choices the coward does, he takes the foolhardy choice however because his desire to be viewed as a hero outweighs, in his mind, his personal safety. Holbach continues on his discussion to say th ere is no difference between a man who jumps from a building and the man who is pushed from a building. Both men are acting on the same choices, whether to fall or not, although the second man’s ability to act on the choice not to fall is directly correlated to how hard he is pushed or thrown from the building. The first man may be leaping of his own volition and may not scramble to grab on to anything that will slow or stop his apparent demise. The second man will probably be making his own choices once he’s air born by doing just that, grabbing onto anything in his path as he falls and screaming his lungs out. The man who holds his hand in a fire as a symbol of bravery and strength of his people has his choices over whether or not to be in the fire. He however does it to make his people look stronger, striking fear or adoration into the hearts of his enemies. Once you recognize he’s doing this for the betterment of his people or of himself we can begin to realize just what Holbach is trying to say, that no matter what choices we are faced with, we will almost always, without regard for the other choice, do what’s best for us and us alone. A choice that is apparent in this present time is the out striking of suicide bombers. These people have a choice of either blowing themselves up or not. The problem is that when these people are Middle Eastern they are usually promised 72 virgins when they reach their promised land. That’s a pretty weighty option and most guys would kill for that, quite literally in the sense of this discussion. Once you give rewards to outlandish behavior you’re setting up the world for destruction. It changes the morality issue most people argue with on if something is good or evil by replacing it with hey, it may be not good, but I get all this cool stuff if I do it! The preceding argument only works with male suicide bombers however as I know a lot of girls who wouldn’t enjoy having 72 virgins in the afterlife. The men definitely get the better end of the deal. It makes one wonder what the mentality of the female bombers is, do they get something better in the afterlife too for going along with this ‘decision’? r is the act of the suicide bomber in the female’s eyes actually a choice and not something done for the betterment of herself except for the fact that it makes her apparently an equal to the men in her country. That answers my own disbelief over their choices. Most women in the Middle East are not allowed to show any skin, let alone do much for themselves while in their own homelands. If they are given an opportunity to become seen as an ind ividual in her countrymen’s eyes, of course she will take it. Even when it calls for giving one’s life for the apparent greater good. Even when trying to come up with an objection to Holbach’s view, I couldn’t come up with anything substantial to hold against it, the more I tried to fight against his discussion, the more I saw he is correct. Humans are inherently selfish and will always do what’s best for themselves over anything for the greater good. Man has no control over his decisions, he may like to think he does, but when you look back on every decision we’ve ever made in our lives we see that our choices were more often than not, done out of selfish reasons. Few people can go out into the world giving themselves selflessly and without thought. Even if we try to make the conscious effort to do something good for someone every day, that’s only one out of a million choices we make every day. I’m guilty of holding the door for someone following a few steps behind me but I get irritated when they don’t say thank you to me as they pass by, and I do think that Karma will treat me well later in my day and life for every time I do take the time to hold a door for someone, or pick up a pencil someone has dropped, or any other source of everyday happenings.

Comparative Analysis of Advertisements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparative Analysis of Advertisements - Essay Example This essay reflects on the advertising strategies of these companies in terms of models and media employed, target audience, approaches to advertisements, consumers’ appeal, effectiveness of these strategies and congruent success in the market. The view of the essay is to employ a critical analysis approach in order to present a unique comparison and contrasting of the advertising approach of the two multinational companies. Additionally, the rhetorical presentation of the company’s products is analyzed within this paper in order to define the effectiveness of each of the company’s marketing communication images and messages. Both Pepsi and Coca-Cola present their brands in a very convincing manner. This is regardless of numerous differences in approach which are used by these two companies. More notable though is the rivalry and wars which evidently exist between these companies in their marketing and promotion projects, campaigns and advertisements (Behrooz 10) . The influence that the two companies impact on the market is based on the fact that they have laid large budgets for advertising their products. As a result, Pepsi and Coke adverts are common place. They frequently appear on television commercials, radio, billboards and at promotional events and campaigns such as sports sponsorship (Odell 1). Because of the approach that the companies have employed, their popularity has grown significantly within various markets and segments. Popularity of a company leads to a conviction within a customer or potential consumer that the company is authentic and as a result its products are superior and are of a high quality. It is arguable that both of these companies have attained this though at different levels. The advertisements of Coke and Pepsi have achieved different levels of influence on their target market. For example, Pepsi is leading within the youth market segment because of the youthful language, style, culture and images which it pr esents within its commercials (PR Newswire 1). On the other hand, Coke has attained more success in the market because of its strategy of targeting a wider market (Behrooz 5). The rhetoric that is expressed within the company’s marketing strategy is demonstrated by the fact that the companies placed insiders of each other’s advertising units to provide intelligence information for marketing strategy (Behrooz 12). Even though this approach reflects the height of market rivalry, it is evident that regardless of notable differences in marketing strategy, the commercials of these companies have been planned, designed and planned based on insider information that they steal from each other. The feelings and emotions that the consumers attain from the advertising strategies of these companies are very paramount even though it is achieved through different approaches. For example Pepsi initially relied upon celebrities, such as pop and film starts or cricket players, in its c ommercials (Behrooz 14). This was aimed at arousing feelings and emotions within the consumers especially those who were affiliated with film, pop music and sports. As a result Pepsi was able to connect the feelings of the consumers for stars and sports to the love for the Pepsi brand. This strategy is attributed to the increased performance of the company within the market. Coke also employs strategies of arousing feelings within

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The life and times of Friedrich Froebel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The life and times of Friedrich Froebel - Essay Example Such an approach would make it impossible for a child to learn bad habits (Tasssoni & Hucker 2005, 19). Therefore, Froebel observed the entire education system as a moral system that has to shape a child morally in the society, impacting not only education, but also the right personality in children. With these thoughts, Froebel worked with three to seven year old children and later opened a kindergarten (literally meaning garden) in Prussia in 1837. Therefore, Froebel ideas about imparting the right education and quality in young children in form of a kindergarten spread to the entire world, making it necessary to train and give the right foundation to a child in moulding them to responsible adults. Froebel main ideas Froebel is best recognized as the inventor of the kindergarten system of education that is based on strong affinity for nature and strong Christian values were all included in his thinking and shaped his education theory (Smith, 2012). His main principle in education w as that education has to guide man as a conscious, perceiving, and thinking being to make him a pure representation of their inner divine law in accordance with their own choice; thus education is the main way and means through which man has to attain this goal (Froebel 1826, 2). Froebel main school system was based along the Pestalozzian principles, and mainly emphasized on play and holistic use of gifts in play materials and occupations (activities). Froebel believed that humans are by principle creative and productive; fulfillment of this may only be achieved by developing such ideas in harmony with God and the world in general (Smith, 2012). His education theory advocates for an environment that heavily involves direct use of materials and practical work. In his theory of pray as outlined in The Education of Man published in 1896, he noted that play truly fosters, recognizes, and unites the general maturing life of a child with the ripe life and experiences of an adult, â€Å"f ostering one through the other† (Curtis & O’Hanagan 2003, 104) In other words, Froebel explained that play has to be developed from within a child, by provision of the appropriate material, in the presence of an adult to nurture such development (Curtis & O’Hanagan 2003, 104). This made Froebel to devise and collect a rich set of play things for children in the belief that a child’s play is important in education. The popularity of his thoughts spread across Europe and Asia where Japan adopted the Kindergarten system in the late 19th century. Japan wanted to introduce itself as a country with equal structures to the western countries, and did not have enough ideas and systems for early child education (Wollons 2000, 123). Thus, despite being used as a political idea, in fostering uniformity in education systems, Froebel’s ideas were embraced due to their importance in child’ development across Asia, America, and Europe. Froebel’s ideas mainly influenced the Japanese Education and its curriculum making the country to make major changes in their education system, due his theory that were perceived as instrumental in the growth of a child (Yoneyama 2012, 40). The Froebelian kindergarten movement gained much root and in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, more women started home based kindergartens to look after their children or a group of children in the neighborhood. They were attending classes on locally organized Froebel

Monday, August 12, 2019

Human Resource Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Human Resource Portfolio - Essay Example This depends on the management who can wager transformational leadership within its elaborate operational realm as steward of its human resources (Casio, 1989). As such, HRM conducts analysis to systematically investigate tasks and responsibilities of a job to determine the necessary knowledge, skills, and capacity required to adequately perform the tasks of the job (Stone, 2008). This paper aims to explicate the significance job analysis for the selection and hiring of applicants, for performance management and for empowering workers. HRM defined HRM is a philosophical framework for organizational development although this is diverse in praxis depending on leaders’ paradigm on organizational management (Grant, 1991). This is best understood by examining how an organization is manage using its vision, mission, policies, procedures and internal culture with anent structures that provide system in their coordination and collaborative undertakings to correlate their roles or func tions at achieving goals and desired outcomes. The manager ensures proper direction by stipulating clearly the objectives, systems and control for the fulfillment of tasks (Gratton, 1999). As such, there is a wide spectrum of decision-making here pertaining to worker-employer relation to have a harmonious working environment and to attain efficient productivity or output (Gratton, 1999). HRM considers the crucial factors to improve workforce’s intellectual capital since this is significant for company’s competitive advantage (Guest & Conway, 1998). As employees are tasked to implement plans, human resource managers functioned for in-depth job analysis, description, and advertisement before they’d engage the company into hiring and selection process of applicants (Guestet al., 1998). They also fulfill the requirements and needs of human capital and motivate them to complete tasks and optimize their performances for competitive leveraging. Job Analysis Job analysi s is a sensitive part of human resource management (HRM). It is a logical process of documenting and analyzing data and information pertaining to job’s nature, content, context, and description that is generally befitting to standards (OPM, 2012; Stone, 2008) and requiring worker’s competence and skills (OPM, 2012). Competence refers to the measurable cognitive capacity, skills, behaviors, character, and resiliency in the performance of one’s role and functions. Nowadays, corporation has strong inclination to hire for applicants which has capacity to multi-function: ability to eloquently communicate, express flexibility in challenging circumstances, expertise in information technology or knowledge management, and ability for transformational leadership (Gratton, 1999). For example, VMG Motor Company is in need of a sales